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All notable changes to the "Arcadia Website" project will be documented in this file.

1.3.0 - (Enterprise Support) - 2024-02-02


  • Subscription plan for Enterprises
  • Team support for Enterprises
  • Support for recurring meetings
  • Improved quality of action items and summary


  • Bot not joining the video calls in some cases

1.2.0 - (Reward Referral and Affiliation) - 2024-01-19


  • Referral and Rewards support
  • Affiliate program
  • Prompt optimisation on AI model layer
  • External Transcript Support in text file format.
  • External Transcript Support for Google Meet Translate plugin generated text file.
  • Email suggestion support


  • Fix call duration issue when clicking end call CTA manually
  • Fixed minor bugs

1.1.1 - (Arcadia Bot Fixes) - 2024-01-12


  • Meeting without agenda
  • Bot with name of user
  • Setting default model for user


  • Fix issue in arcadia bot joining the google meetings with ongoing recording
  • Improved stage classification and agenda generation quality
  • Prompts improvement in agenda creation

1.1.0 - (Subscription Plan Updates) - 2024-01-05


  • Subscrption based model is migrated from minute based to token based model
  • Token Credit Implementation
  • Post Query with External Transcripts
  • Support for Mistral 8x7b (MoE) model for post meeting queries.
  • Improved bot joining time
  • Waitlist is removed and open to all users
  • Subscription Plans have been updated


  • Calendar sync bug resolved

1.0.3 - (Subscription plan and Google Groups Support) - 2023-12-21


  • Subscription plans changed
  • Feature to deactivate user account
  • Cooldown period of 1 hour after 3 wrong password attempts
  • Support for Google Groups Meeting sync in dashboard


  • Real time transcripts not coming during the meeting if there is a long pause in the meeting
  • Improved client questions during meeting

1.0.2 - (Impromptu Meeting and Real time transcripts) - 2023-12-14


  • Impromptu meeting
  • Real time transcripts during meeting
  • Documentation site is added
  • End Call Meeting CTA to remove the bot
  • Email notifications for meeting updates

1.0.1 - (Support added for event based calendar sync) - 2023-12-08


  • Supported added for event based caledar sync - Zoho calendar

1.0.0 - (Initial release) - 2023-11-24


  • Initial release of the Arcadia website
  • Homepage with Google OAuth and Email Based Signup/Signin
  • Waitlist
  • User on-boarding
  • Create Meeting with Agenda
  • Manage Meeting Templates
  • Meeting Stage Classification
  • Post Meeting Analytics
  • Post Meeting Queuries